Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Cleaning?

The weather is awesome today, and before long it will be warm and sunny almost every day (we hope)!  The children at McNeilly love to get out and play, and we try to encourage activity, physical fitness, and fun outdoors anytime we can.  For many of our children, the play area at McNeilly is the only safe and age appropriate place for the kids to kick a ball, jump rope, play in sand, or create art in the great outdoors.  We do, however, have a need for some of these items that we just don't have the budget to purchase.  If you are doing some spring cleaning and no longer need that soccer ball, or sand box taking up space in your garage please consider donating it to McNeilly.  The children would surely appreciate having new (to them) things to play with, and the teachers would be thrilled to see the kids engaged in different and exciting activities.

Wish List:
Playground balls - kick balls, soccer balls, volleyballs, footballs, basketballs
Jump Ropes
Water play activities
Nerf balls and bats
Picnic Table
Compact Dorm Refrigerators (2)
Bibs with plastic backing
Manual Food Choppers (2)
Bumbo Infant Seats (2)
Manual Carpet Sweepers (2)
Laminating Machine (2)
Sheets and Blankets (Mat Size)
10 Folding Chairs
Arts & Crafts Supplies
Puzzles, Lacing cards

To donate any items from the wish list please call (615) 255-2549 or email   

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Read Me Week

It is Read Me Week (February 27th - March 2, 2012), and everyone at McNeilly is having a ball celebrating! For the entire week McNeilly is highlighting the importance and fun of reading with special activities, guest readers, and opportunities for the children to wear silly hats, wild socks, and even their favorite pajamas!

Students from Harding Academy conducted a book drive for McNeilly and spent a day this week reading with the children. The kids loved having visitors, and they really enjoy having all of these newly donated  books in their classrooms!

On March 2nd we cap off this fun-filled Read Me Week with a celebration of the birthday of Dr. Seuss!